VIDEO: Grandma Is Being Attacked On Security Camera, Then This Navy Vet Shows Up And Does THIS

A 76 year old woman is safe tonight, after being saved from a vicious attack by none other than a Navy vet with whom she had never met and two other unnamed men. Instead of taking credit or basking in praise for his valor, Mr. Kendrick Taylor said he simply asked himself what everyone should ask at that time.

“What if that was my Grandma” was his query and it is clear, that to him, the event was just that simple. Someone was assaulting an elderly woman who could not defend herself and he, along with the two others, would stop it.

Although the suspect attempted to flee after his initial contact with Mr. Taylor, he was no match for the hard-won skills of a former member of the U.S. military. He quickly overcame the suspect, pinned him to the floor and called law enforcement to complete the task. Soon after, the suspect, who was already on probation at the time of the attack, was arrested and charged with robbery and attempted battery.

Although it has been said that goodness is its own reward, it does not have to be the only reward. Kendrick Taylor received the Medal of Merit from the Orlando Orange County Sheriff’s Office as the result of his valor and one more alleged criminal was unable to hurt his intended victim. It is nice to know that there are still people out there who do the right thing, just because it is the right thing.

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