They Ventured Into A Dark Cave. What They Discovered Was COMPLETELY Unbelievable!

They Ventured Into A Dark Cave. What They Discovered Was COMPLETELY Unbelievable!

Caves can be more than a little bit creepy. They are like gaping mouths that lead down the throat of the Earth. It’s always more than a little unsettling. You never know what you might find inside of a cave. Well, some things you might find are the remains of movies from years past. For example, you can walk inside of one cave and stumble upon the old set for the first Iron Man movie!

Interestingly, places like these aren’t unique. Many movie sets remain standing long after the actors, actresses, directors, and crews have gone home. Viewing pictures of these forgotten movie sets is actually kind of creepy. It makes you feel like you are viewing the remains of a lost civilization.

In a sense, that’s kind of true. These places were once bustling with human activity as movie studios struggled to get the perfect shot. That shot completed, they live on in the imaginations of the countless people who have seen the resulting films. Now, these locations are crumbling and ignored. They feel like abandoned dreams.

Many of these places are open to the public. They often sit on private land with owners more than willing to share the cinematic treasures resting there. Some of the locations are more than 40 years old. They also aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. This makes these places even more stirring. In 100 years, they will probably still be standing in wreckage. No one who worked on the films will even be alive. And yet, their cinematic artifacts will remain!

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