They Told The Owner It Was So Ugly It Should Burn Down. What Happens Days Later? OMG

While on his way to work every morning, Josh Cyganik passed by an saw the house of 75-year-old Leonard Bullock, who he waved to as the old retiree sat on his front porch. One day, Cyganik was living that normal day-to-day life when he overheard two teenagers insulting the old man’s home, saying that it was so ugly that it needed to be burned down. For Cyganik, it was easy to see that Bullock was hurt by the words, so he took action.

He asked for the help of some friends, including the manager of Tum-a-Lum lumber, who agreed to help with his good deed. The manager donated supplies and Cyganik got to work turning that home into something beautiful.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have enough friends to help, so Cyganik turned to Facebook to get more volunteers. When they first started the project, there were 20 people that showed up ready to help. By the end of the day, almost 100 people came by to help remodel and paint the outside of the man’s home. Other people donated money, since they couldn’t come by and help with the renovations, and Starbucks even donated water and iced tea.

With all the money they received for the project, Cyganik is looking for a roofer to help finish the job.

Cyganik doesn’t consider himself a hero. Instead, he uses the project to both spread kindness and respect throughout the neighborhood.

They Told The Owner It Was So Ugly It Should Burn Down. What Happens Days Later? OMG

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