They Asked Pet Owners: ‘What’s The Worst Thing Your Pet Has Ever Done?’

They Asked Pet Owners: ‘What’s The Worst Thing Your Pet Has Ever Done?’

When you own a pet, you start to see that there are some things that they do in the home that you might not agree with. Recently, 24 pet owners were asked about the worst things that their pets have done. Some of the answers are funny while some of the things that pets have done in homes is almost enough to want to put them outside.

One man was feeding his snake and saw that the mouse ran to the other side of the cage. The snake then tried to bite his own tail. A cat caught a falcon and took it into the home instead of killing the bird. There was a dog that sneezed so hard it hit his head on the kitchen floor.

A man’s cat used his guitar as a littler box. One time, someone’s dog herded several sheep into the ocean. There are pets that have chewed cords to phones and other electrical devices. One cat would get dead mice from the neighbor’s snake cage, bringing them home to show his owner.

Most of the things that pet owners complain about are the pets using the bathroom in various locations of the home that are not the ideal spots.

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