The Koch Brothers And Walmart Are Terrified You Will Do THIS To Your House. SCREW THEM!

The Koch Brothers And Walmart Are Terrified You Will Do THIS To Your House. SCREW THEM!

Rooftop solar systems are becoming very popular in the United States and that trend is predicted to continue into the future. Their rise in popularity will likely take away business from the fossil-fuel and utility industries, which is irking the big investors of those big industries like the Koch brothers and the Walton family.

These big investors have been seeking the help of lobbyist in Washington and in each state to fight renewable energy like solar power.

One way these lobby groups are fighting the solar energy is by trying to create legislation that charges large fees for rooftop solar power installation on homes. The big backers like the Koch brothers and the Walton family are donating millions worldwide to prevent the growth of solar energy. They have provided funds in several states in the prevention and with harsh surcharges initiated in Arizona, Arizona has seen solar installations drop 40% since being implemented.

The deeper reasoning the Kochs and Waltons motivation is the need to keep energy in “big business.” The Walton family has also invested heavily in the future of solar energy, but on a large scale. The growing trend for consumers is the need to be independent from a utility bill and be self-sufficient. Battery backups installed in homes, which are seen as a possibility in the near future, pose a threat to their large scale solar energy possibilities and a threat on their pocketbooks.

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