Take A Look At The Monsters From Across The World That Are Banned From The US For Being Too Scary

When you think of things that go bump in the night, you might blame ghosts, the Boogeyman or a monster under the bed. But, compared to other countries, America’s idea of “scary” does not even scratch the surface. Prepare for your nightmares to be on a whole new level after you hear about these monsters from around the world:

Imagine a giant red worm that can tunnel through the ground and attack at anytime without any notice. Terrifying, right? The tale of the Mongolion Death Worm also says the monster can spit venom and electricity, making it extremely deadly. The myth goes that this gigantic killing worm lives in the Gobi desert, so you should be safe.

Take A Look At The Monsters From Across The World That Are Banned From The US For Being Too Scary

Japanese folklore tells of a beautiful woman ghost, who can be found walking the streets of Japan donning a surgical mask and a pair of scissors. Once she comes upon a unknowing victim, she asks them the simple question, “Am I beautiful?” No matter your answer, the results are still horrifying. The story goes that she was cut by her samurai husband.If you say “yes,” she will take her mask off to reveal her mouth cut from ear to ear to resemble a large smile. Then, she asks a final time. If you say “yes,” she will give you a matching wound. If you say “no,” she will kill you with her scissors anyway. It’s a wholsome “lose-lose” situation.

Take A Look At The Monsters From Across The World That Are Banned From The US For Being Too Scary

The Self-Splitting Vampire of the Philippines differs from the contemporary American vision of a vampire: a pale caped man that lurks the night looking for blood. In the Philippines, a vampire is something much more horrifying. The self-splitting vampire is a woman who prefers to feed on the hearts of unborn babies. The only way to kill her is to find the bottom half of her body and cover it in garlic or salt. This will prevent her body from reattaching and will eventually kill her.

Take A Look At The Monsters From Across The World That Are Banned From The US For Being Too Scary

A goblin in America is a short, little creature. Nothing too harmful. However, Redcap is a super-fast goblin, who kills humans and uses their blood to give his hat a deep red color. The myth says the only way to stop him is to recite a Bible verse … So if you are anthing but a christian your chances of survival might be slim … But what the Hell? We aren’t getting through the pearly gates anyway!

Take A Look At The Monsters From Across The World That Are Banned From The US For Being Too Scary

Stikini, Man-Eating Were-Owl is a Native American mythical monster is more than just your average werewolf. The inflicted human turns into a heart-eating owl during the full moon. The transformation is particularly gruesome. The human throws up their organs and hangs them from a tree. That alone is enough to turn anyone’s stomach.

Take A Look At The Monsters From Across The World That Are Banned From The US For Being Too Scary

Spring-Heeled Jack is a British monster that may look like a  perfect gentleman. Just when he has you fooled, he begins to breath flames and cuts you up into tiny shreds with his monstrous claws …

Take A Look At The Monsters From Across The World That Are Banned From The US For Being Too Scary

Madagascar’s Carnivorous Tree Known as Ya-Te-Veo is a malicious tree standing at eight feet tall and sprouting creepy tentacle-like branches. If you happen to walk into its reaches, you will become its next lunch. So, pay attention next time you’re walking through the Madagascar forest.

Take A Look At The Monsters From Across The World That Are Banned From The US For Being Too Scary

Finally we have the Vampiric Baby Monster Thing of the Philippines. This… THING is fuel for nightmares. From the Philippines, Tiyanak is a demon baby that lives in the jungle. Its constant crying brings potential victims looking to rescue a supposed abandoned baby. Once it is picked up, Tiyanak attacks the good Samaritan, ultimately killing them. The Organ-Wearing Vampires of India Brahmaprusha is a species of killer vampires. After feeding on their victim’s blood, the monster rips apart their lifeless body and uses the intestines as a scarf. Horrifying and disgusting.

Take A Look At The Monsters From Across The World That Are Banned From The US For Being Too Scary

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