She Was Found Blind And Abandononed. Then She Was Brought To A Foster Home And THIS Happened

A rescue cat named Pinocchio had a rough start in life when his eyes became so damaged, they had to be surgically removed. After being placed in a foster home, Pinocchio met another kitten named Jiminy Cricket, and the two quickly bonded. Jiminy Cricket has taught Pinocchio how to jump and play just like a sighted cat, and it is now nearly impossible to tell that Pinocchio is blind. The two cats were adopted together and will spend a lifetime with one another.

The reason Pinocchio is able to pounce on things is because he has developed other senses to make up for a lack of sight. He has acute hearing, and his whiskers help him navigate objects and determine if they are moving.

are extremely sensitive antennae and can even register changes in air currents. This is what allows cats to move around so easily in the dark and why Pinocchio can judge where to stalk and jump. His sense of smell is most likely enhanced as well, allowing to him to locate food dishes and the litterbox.

While Pinocchio is fairly independent, he will always have to live indoors with attentive caretakers and his best friend Jiminy Cricket.

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