She Was Born With A White Patch Of Hair In Exactly The Same Place As Her Mum’s

It is extremely rare to see four people in a family with a patch of white hair. A 18-month old baby has a patch of white hair on her head. Her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother also have this patch of white hair.

She Was Born With A White Patch Of Hair In Exactly The Same Place As Her Mum’s

This white patch of hair is caused by a condition called poliosis. This condition is not a disease. Many healthy people have this condition. Poliosis causes the hair and surrounding skin to lack pigmentation.

She Was Born With A White Patch Of Hair In Exactly The Same Place As Her Mum’s

The girl’s mother’s name is Brianna. She stated that she was hoping that her daughter would not be born with this condition. Brianna does not know how many people in her family have this condition because she was adopted as a baby.

She Was Born With A White Patch Of Hair In Exactly The Same Place As Her Mum’s

Even though Brianna was disappointed when her baby was born with this condition, she has embraced it. She stated that she and her daughter have a condition that gives them a unique look.

She Was Born With A White Patch Of Hair In Exactly The Same Place As Her Mum’s
She Was Born With A White Patch Of Hair In Exactly The Same Place As Her Mum’s
She Was Born With A White Patch Of Hair In Exactly The Same Place As Her Mum’s

Brianna is going to raise her daughter to be confident. She wants her daughter to know that she is beautiful, and there is nothing wrong with the way that she looks. She hopes that her daughter will not listen to the mean comments that she most likely is going to get from other people.

She Was Born With A White Patch Of Hair In Exactly The Same Place As Her Mum’s
She Was Born With A White Patch Of Hair In Exactly The Same Place As Her Mum’s

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