She Is Certain Her Brother’s Ghost Is Haunting Her. When You See THIS You Will Be Convinced Too

Many people do not believe in ghosts, but some people do. This is a story that may appeal to the ones who believe, as well as people who are on the fence. Donna Ayres lost her brother, Paul, when she was younger. She now says that she has been haunted by him since 2009.

She describes their relationship as rocky when he was alive, and apparently that is reflected in the way he is haunting her now. It started off with just scratches on the walls and banging noises, but now the ghost is apparently assaulting her.

She says that the ghost has bruised her, and she has been held down on her bed by the ghost as well. The spirit that is haunting her is likely a poltergeist, according to the Sefton Paranormal Investigators. They make this assessment due to the physical disturbances that have taken place.

She is pretty scared for herself, but it makes it worse when you consider that she lives with her partner and her four children. Her experiences have to do with more than just the location, because she has moved five times at this point, and she says that the ghost just follows her wherever she happens to go.

People were not really believing her, so she decided to capture some evidence on camera. Though some people may think that this evidence is credible and makes sense, she is now afraid that she has just made the ghost even angrier by filming him.

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