She Hears A Strange Eerie Noise In The Sky, But Can’t Figure It Out. Do You Know What It Is?

Have you ever heard a scary noise? The sound of an creepy noise can be unsettling. However, it is even worse when you don’t know where it is coming from. The sound could be anything. Is it an animal? Is it something broken? Is something out to hurt you? You never know what it could be! This is exactly what was going through the mind of a woman recently. Her entire ordeal was captured on video and shared with the world through the miracle of the internet.

The sound is extremely eerie. It sounds like a collection of brass instruments trying to get in tune. It goes on and on without forming any type of meaningful tune or message.

Interestingly, this sound has been heard around the world. No one exactly knows where it comes from. Some scientists guess that it might come from radio waves shooting out of the Earth. Other people report a sinister quality to the unsettling sound. They say that they experience disturbing thoughts and unsettling dreams after being exposed to the noise. What could it be?

What would you do if you encountered this sound? Would you cover your ears? Would you search desperately for the source of the noise? Hopefully, you would have enough sense to capture a recording like the people in the video did. Sure, some folks might think the noise is being made by someone off camera. However, there are many people in the world who would disagree. After all, they have heard the noise too!

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