She Has a Strange Itch On Her Wedding Day That Wouldn’t Go Away – Her Diagnosis? Unfathomable

Liam Crossley and his fiancé Lucy were about to get married, and they thought their lives were perfect. Lucy had just started her dream job at a lingerie company, and Liam was working as a personal trainer.

Liam and Lucy were busy living their dreams and saving up for their wedding, but a phone call between the two would change their entire lives.

She Has a Strange Itch On Her Wedding Day That Wouldn’t Go Away – Her Diagnosis? Unfathomable

Lucy had been traveling for her new job, and she was in London when she called Liam with some troubling news. She told her soon-to-be husband that she suddenly felt itchy all over. Liam said that Lucy was never one to complain, so he knew the situation was bad.

Lucy said that she couldn’t see any sign of rashes on her body, and no amount of medicines or creams would help the itch. She was so uncomfortable, that she went to a walk-in clinic, where medical professionals diagnosed her with scabies. They gave her prescription strength cream to help the itch, but it just wouldn’t go away.

Lucy’s itch just kept getting worse, to the point that she was scratching so hard that her skin was bleeding. She then decided to go to another doctor, who assumed the itch was a result of allergies. He prescribed her with antihistamines, but she still did not get any better.

She Has a Strange Itch On Her Wedding Day That Wouldn’t Go Away – Her Diagnosis? Unfathomable

Eventually, after four months of constant itching, doctors figured out why Lucy was so itchy, and it was much worse than she or Liam could have imagined. Lucy had cancer. She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, which had caused a tumor to develop inside the bile duct of her liver.

Unfortunately, the diagnosis came too late. She tried to get treatment for the cancer through chemotherapy, but it didn’t work. Three months after she and Liam were married, Lucy died as a result of the cancer.

She Has a Strange Itch On Her Wedding Day That Wouldn’t Go Away – Her Diagnosis? Unfathomable

Liam said that, for three hours after she died, he sat by her bed and talked to her and apologized for not being able to do more to save her. Now, he is telling others Lucy’s story in the hope that the same thing doesn’t ever happen to anyone else.

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