She Gave Her Up As A Baby. 47 Years Later, Child Reunites With Mother!

47 year old Teresa had been given up for adoption as a baby. When she was a child, Teresa had been told that her birth mother loved her but was not able to take care of her. This made her feel insecure throughout her childhood, and she spent her entire life wondering about her birth mother and the real reason why she was given up for adoption.

However, a new law recently went into effect, and Teresa, so who is now a married mother of two, finally got access to her original birth certificate, which had the name of her birth mother printed on it. A video was actually taken to capture the first phone call that Teresa placed to her mother, Chris.

It turned out that Chris had actually went on to get married and have three children herself, but she did not have a single day where she didn’t think about Teresa. She had never wanted to give Teresa up, but she was 17 when she became pregnant and was not able to raise the baby.

The reunion between these two is absolutely heartwarming to watch. They have already started to get to know each other, and they have seen that they have a lot in common. They like the same foods, they both adore blue flowers, and they are both claustrophobic. Although it is sad that they missed out on all of those years together, it is great that they are getting to develop a relationship now.

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