She Found Dozens Of These Eerily Beautiful Photos In A Thrift Shop. The Meaning Behind Them…

Megan Abell was looking through a thrift shop in Richmond, Virginia when she happened upon film transparencies. At the time, she thought they were photograph negatives. Being a photographer herself, she went ahead and purchased them, then scanned the negatives into her computer to see what was on them. The content blew her away.

On the negatives were a series of gorgeous photographs taken of two unnamed women standing near or in the ocean. The images look like they were taken by another professional photographer, perhaps for a magazine cover, in the 1950’s or 1960’s. Regardless of their original purpose, Megan wants to know more. Her search for answers made her reach out. Unfortunately, the thrift shop owner couldn’t tell her anything because they didn’t even know where the images came from. So Megan decided to go to the next best thing – the internet.

Using Facebook, she posted the images and asked people for any information they had regarding the people in the photographs or even the photographer. Since her original posts went up, the images have been shared over 12,000 times. With that spreading, so is the hashtag #FindtheGirlsontheNegatives.

So far the online posting hasn’t turned up anything. With so many people spreading the photographs and hashtag, though, finding answers for Megan’s questions might only take a little more time.

She Found Dozens Of These Eerily Beautiful Photos In A Thrift Shop. The Meaning Behind Them…

She Found Dozens Of These Eerily Beautiful Photos In A Thrift Shop. The Meaning Behind Them…

She Found Dozens Of These Eerily Beautiful Photos In A Thrift Shop. The Meaning Behind Them…

She Found Dozens Of These Eerily Beautiful Photos In A Thrift Shop. The Meaning Behind Them…

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