She Bought A Ring For Nearly Nothing. When She Gets It Appraised, She Nearly Faints…

A woman went to an auction and purchased what she thought was a cubic zirconia ring for about $30. When she got it home, she started looking at it and realized that it had a little more sparkle than a normal cubic zirconia ring would have.

When she did a little more research on the internet, she found out that the diamond was placed in a French platinum setting, something incredibly unusual for a cubic zirconia ring. With this new information, she went to the Antique Roadshow and had it appraised. There she found out she bought the ring of a lifetime.

The man explains that the setting was common in the 1920’s or 1930’s. At that time, they would set the ring with multiple layers of diamonds, giving the ring a lot more pop. Although now the ring might look fake or nearly costume style, in the 1930’s the ring was worth a lot of money. So much so, in fact, that the ring would sell today in retail stores for $25,000 to $30,000.

The moment the man explained the price, the woman’s jaw slacked open and she was nearly speechless. It’s easy to tell why. Turning $30 into anything close to $25,000 is incredibly rare and I doubt she was expecting it.

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