See Why Even The Right Wing Admits This Is A Game Changer In Michael Brown’s Murder Case

See Why Even The Right Wing Admits This Is A Game Changer In Michael Brown’s Murder Case

Two men have recently released a video which was taken just seconds after the killing of Micheal Brown. The two men were working on a project at the apartment complex on the street where Michael Brown was shot and killed.

The video shows the reaction of both men in the moments following the shooting. They started recording the video just seconds after Officer Darren Wilson had shot and killed Michael Brown.

In the video these men recounted that Michael Brown had his hands up and was repeating the words “OK, OK, OK” and that Officer Darren Wilson was still shooting as Brown went down in a crouching position. Apparently the fact that these two men are white and not from Ferguson seems to carry more weight with the media than the testimony of the local witnesses, who are black. This video and the testimony of these two men is being called a “game changer” by many media outlets, including CNN.

It would be easy to dismiss the testimony of the local black witnesses as being racially motivated for wanting to seek justice for Michael Brown’s death. The “game changer” is that now it would be impossible to dismiss the testimony of the two white witnesses in the same way. They are not from Ferguson and would have nothing to gain by wanting to seek justice for Michael Brown’s death. It seems that now, because these two witnesses are white, and from out of town, that many people are now looking at the killing of Michael Brown in a new light.

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