PHOTOS: Her Little Girl Says The Funniest Things, So She Decided To Share Them With Us. #7..LOL!

Anyone who has children knows that they can sometimes say some very off the wall things. Children do not seem to have any filter and will pretty much say anything that comes to their mind. However, a three-year old girl named Greta takes funny sayings to another level.

Her parents have been keeping a record of all of the funny things that she has said during the past year. One of the things she said was, “Mommy, I know you have to wear a cover up, so you can cover up those milk maker things.” She also said, “I can’t tell you what I dreamed about last night because I lock up all of my dreams in my heart before I wake up.”

Some of Greta’s sayings have even embarrassed her parents while they were in public. When her mother was at the store buying tampons, Greta said, “Be careful with those magic wands.” Keep in mind that the cashier was a teenage boy.

Greta drew a picture for her mother. When her mother asked what it was, Greta replied, ” I don’t know. Maybe it is a dragon or something? ” Additionally, Greta said, “Let’s get this nutcracker some nuts to crack.”

PHOTOS: Her Little Girl Says The Funniest Things, So She Decided To Share Them With Us. #7..LOL!

PHOTOS: Her Little Girl Says The Funniest Things, So She Decided To Share Them With Us. #7..LOL!

PHOTOS: Her Little Girl Says The Funniest Things, So She Decided To Share Them With Us. #7..LOL!

PHOTOS: Her Little Girl Says The Funniest Things, So She Decided To Share Them With Us. #7..LOL!

PHOTOS: Her Little Girl Says The Funniest Things, So She Decided To Share Them With Us. #7..LOL!

PHOTOS: Her Little Girl Says The Funniest Things, So She Decided To Share Them With Us. #7..LOL!

PHOTOS: Her Little Girl Says The Funniest Things, So She Decided To Share Them With Us. #7..LOL!

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