PHOTOS: Girl Discovers Mom Having Affair On Accident. OOPS!

PHOTOS: Girl Discovers Mom Having Affair On Accident. OOPS!

This piece circulated through the San Francisco Gate as a humor piece today. A set of screen captured text messages between a “Daddy” and what’s presumed to be his child (called “Sweetie”) show a prank: Daddy asks if the daughter’s mother is available, and the child answers “No, she’s upstairs with Uncle Walter, in her bedroom.”

Given that the child has no “Uncle Walter,” and the time stamps say that the messages are going back and forth in mid-afternoon, “Daddy” grows suspicious. He gives instructions to the child to go upstairs and knock on the door of the bedroom, shouting that Daddy’s car just pulled in. The child reports that Mommy shouted and ran out of the room with no clothes on, tripped over a table and fell, hitting her head.

When asked what “Uncle Walter” did, the child claims he leapt out of the bedroom window into the swimming pool, and crumpled in a mess on the bottom – it was too bad Daddy had drained the water out of it the other day. At which point Daddy goes “Swimming pool?” and asks if this is “Sally.”

The “child” texting on the phone says that she’s Molly and there is no Sally here. It’s an old skit updated to modern times and presentation, and fits a common internet meme (see also: Texts from Dogs and Texts from Superheroes). Given that the core joke goes back to Chaucer, and it’s the child’s phone doing the screen captures, feel free to enjoy.

Nobody was harmed in the creation of this prank.

PHOTOS: Girl Discovers Mom Having Affair On Accident. OOPS!
PHOTOS: Girl Discovers Mom Having Affair On Accident. OOPS!
PHOTOS: Girl Discovers Mom Having Affair On Accident. OOPS!

PHOTOS: Girl Discovers Mom Having Affair On Accident. OOPS!

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