Photographer Captures Shots of Owls Unlike Any You’ve Ever Seen

There are few creatures in nature with the natural majestic beauty of the owl. These nocturnal birds of prey are highly graceful, stunning, and intelligent animals, and they are just rare enough to make them mysterious and elusive. One photographer has been attempting to bring that mystery to light in a new series of owl photographs he has been capturing. The photographer goes by the name Sompob Sasi Smith, and he bases his activities out of Thailand. He is not only fascinated by these birds, but he wishes to bring them into the common scope so people will see them the way he does.

Photographer Captures Shots of Owls Unlike Any You’ve Ever Seen

Smith has captured an array of amazing shots of these beautiful birds. He captures images of owls in their natural habitat, so their splendor is not tainted by set scenes and backgrounds. Owls are some of the most expressive birds in the animal kingdom, which also makes them some of the most photogenic. Of course, since owls are nocturnal, they can be difficult to capture on film, especially when their incredible natural camouflage is taken into account. Smith’s most impressive shots are collected in a set of twelve photos, each as stunning as the last. Once he captures the raw image, Smith then edits the photograph using state-of-the-art photo editing software, and the results speak for themselves.

Photographer Captures Shots of Owls Unlike Any You’ve Ever Seen

The first image in the series of twelve contains four owls nestled within a hollowed tree trunk. It appears as if the tree trunk fell naturally and was hollowed by aging, and the owls are huddled together in order to stay warm. The sun is just starting to peak through the nearby trees, so there’s a good chance these owls were just settling in for the day.

Photographer Captures Shots of Owls Unlike Any You’ve Ever Seen

The next image is provocative and bold without much busy detail. It has a solid black background since the photo was taken at night, and it appears to be a close up shot of an owl’s head with the brilliant orange eyes staring directly at the camera. The white feathers interspersed with coarse black feathers make great camouflage in snowy regions.

Photographer Captures Shots of Owls Unlike Any You’ve Ever Seen

Next up is a particularly striking image of a mother owl and her two chicks. These owls are of a rather unusual species with highly mottled coarse feathers and a toad-like body shape. The flat beak of these owls is perfect for working small rodents, which is their primary diet.

The fourth image is quite spectacular, and it is reminiscent of something from a fantasy novel. The two owls peer at the photographer through golden twilight while they consider the stranger. These owls are sleek and gorgeous, and they look a bit like forest elves at first glance.

The next photo shows a beautifully edited scene with sharp colors and bright, detailed imagery. The owl in the scene is quite young but still old enough to fend for itself, and it appears to be on a low branch early in the evening, waiting for an easy kill as mice dart around in the sunset.

The last photo of the first half of the set contains a baby owl with bright plumage the color of the setting sun. Even the youngest owls still have beautiful eyes, and this tiny owl is no different.

The next two images show a series of owls sitting peacefully on tree branches, and one of the owls is tilting its head to get a better look at the photographer. The next image is one of the most impressive in the series. It shows a snow owl right after it has made a kill. The owl even still has its wings outstretched from the flight.

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