Mother Sees Children Doing Something Strange Out On The Playground – Then She Realizes…

Mothers are sort of obligated to watch the things that their children do while on a playground or while with other children. One mother observed something interesting one day while doing just that, and much to her surprise too…

The mother’s name is Danielle, and she enjoys looking out her window to see her children playing with their friends. All of the children who are playing on the playground in the video come from marine families and have a mother or father or brother or sister enlisted as a fighting force of the United States of America. They know what it’s like not to have a parent at home and what it’s like to travel from one home to another, and they also apparently know how to show respect for their country even at such a young age:

All of the kids immediately get into formation when they hear the lyrics of “Retreat.” standing tall and straight and facing the flag. This is a song played before the American flag is taken down each night, so the children are familiar with the sounds of the music and the words that go to the song.

These children are certainly respectful to their country blindly loving that striped banner we wave over every school and post office and courthouse. Of course, they are too young to understand anything about the atrocities of war, the underhanded dark back-water dealings our nation is so infamous for, but they have clearly been taught that the colors are a symbol to be respected and loved … whether they understand what that symbol means or not.

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