Man Celebrating The Repeal of Obamacare Learns He Is Actually On Obamacare

President Obama’s Affordable Care Act has drawn a lot of criticism from his political opponents, and many ordinary American citizens have a lot to say about his health care initiative. However, not all of these opinions are informed. One recent incident highlighted this tendency for ignorance and hostility to go hand in hand.

Man Celebrating The Repeal of Obamacare Learns He Is Actually On Obamacare

A Facebook user posted an article about the vote to repeal Obamacare, gloating about how pleased he was with the result. One of his friends responded that he was showing no compassion for those who require the ACA (Affordable Care Act) to pay for their health care expenses. The original posted then showed his ignorance and confusion by noting that he himself used the Affordable Care Act, while insisting that this was something different than Obamacare, which is the nickname that political rivals had given it.

After several comments pointed out that the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare were actually one and the same, the original poster never returned to respond to this new information. It’s not clear, then, whether or not he now accepts the truth that he is a beneficiary of Obamacare himself and is in danger of losing his coverage. If he has come to this realization at last, perhaps he will be a little less quick to brag about this vital program being dismantled.

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