Her Baby Girl Started Feeling Pain In Her Neck. What Doctors Diagnose? NIGHTMARE OF ALL PARENTS

Her Teen Started Feeling Pain In Her Neck. What Doctors Tell Her Is Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare!

Surprised and shocked were Sarah Atchison’s parents when a doctor diagnosed their Littleton, Colorado, teen with a common occurrence called “text-neck.” The parents had not heard of the diagnosis, but their story is one that all parents with teenagers should pay attention to in order to avoid a similar diagnosis.

In a world of social media, in which many teens spend hours looking down at their phones, many teens like Sarah are experiencing what can only be described as nerve damage to her spine. Atchison began feeling body aches, and after an X-ray, doctors discovered that the 14-year-old had a reverse curve in her spine that could take years to reverse.

The body aches that Atchison was feeling are similar to those that elderly people feel from a lifetime of natural aging. In Atchison’s case, however, the nerve damage she is experiencing may be irreversible. Only time will tell. In the meantime, parents should learn from this story of text-messaging gone wrong. Parents can intervene now to prevent needless harm to their teen’s health and body.

In a social media society, it’s still Okay to put down the phone and to participate in social media in moderation. It’s the only way to prevent “text-neck” and to protect all teenagers from developing future nerve damage. Take this story from Sarah Atchison to heart, and make changes to your phone habits today.

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