He Tried EVERY Diet, But Couldn’t Lose Weight,Until He Did THIS. What he Looks Like Now — WOW!

One young man set out to prove the world that he was able to not only set goals, but to reach them in order to live a more healthy lifestyle.

Anthony had tried just about everything to lose weight. Over the years, he tried combination diets, fad diets, and exercise programs. Anthony even attempted to use weight using diet supplements. All efforts failed.

The boy became disgusted when in 2009, he tipped the scale at 210 pounds. Anthony knew that he had to lose weight and felt that he had the drive to accomplish life-changing goals. He set about developing a diet and exercise routine. Anthony’s efforts paid off.

Anthony made the commitment to lose weight just before beginning his senior year of high school. He made better choices when it came to his diet and he began to exercise more often. Before he knew it, four months had past. Anthony had lost 40 pounds.

Determined to make positive, healthy changes in his life, Anthony set another weight loss goal. Several months later, Anthony learned that he had lost more than 80 pounds in all.

The transformation from big to thin was amazing and Anthony spends his time encouraging others to make health lifestyle choices.

“I didn’t use any gimmicks or products,” Anthony explained. “I used a proper, healthy diet and some hard work and exercise.”

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