He Couldn’t Tell His Parents About His Abusive Sitter… But His Dog Could! And DID!

When Benjamin and Hope Jordan hired Alexis Khan as a babysitter for their young son Finn, they did all of the things you are supposed to do as a responsible parent. They conducted a thorough interview and a background check, which came up clean. Despite all of their precautions, it did not take long for the Jordans to realize that something was not right.

After several months, the Jordans noticed that the family dog, Killian, would become extremely protective of Finn and growl whenever the babysitter entered the home. This was uncharacteristic of the dog, so the Jordans immediately became suspicious and decided to investigate further.

The next time Khan came over to babysit, the couple left an iPhone recording under the sofa. They were horrified at what they discovered. On the recording, you can clearly hear Finn crying. You can also hear Khan yelling and cursing at the child followed by what sounds like a slap.

The Jordans promptly notified authorities, and Khan was arrested. She is now serving a one to three-year sentence for assault and battery and will be listed in a child abuse registry, which will prevent her from working with children in the future. The Jordans are thankful that Killian was able to speak up for Finn and that they trusted their instincts. Thanks to Killian, Finn is doing well and has no lasting effects from the abuse.

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