Doctors Said There Was No Hope And Suggested Taking Her Off Life Support. Then THIS Miracle…

Doctors Said There Was No Hope And Suggested Taking Her Off Life Support. Then THIS Miracle…

Although Molly Bamborough is just a five-month old baby, she’s been through a lifetime of major challenges. Doctors warned Molly’s mother Elisha numerous times that the youngster might not survive her health problems, but she successfully overcame her medical troubles time and time again.

An ultrasound that was conducted prior to Molly’s birth indicated that there were problems with her lung development. It also indicated that a hole was present in her diaphagram that caused her organs to press against her chest. When that happened, doctors said that Molly’s survival odds were 50 percent.

After Molly was born, she received surgery that aimed to repair the hole. Despite the surgery, her health problems were really only just starting. Molly had a hernia that was triggering her body to exert itself. That exertion brought on lung and heart hypertension.

The wee baby was transferred to another hospital and promptly placed on life support. At that point, her survival chances were declared as being merely 10 percent. Molly’s mother was provided with the tough decision of possibly turning off her life support. She stated that she could never do that, however.

Molly was provided with a shunt that allowed fluid to be eliminated from inside of her head. She then experienced an emergency surgery that caused obstruction of the shunt. After two weeks had passed, the young baby was strong enough to finally return home at last.

Molly’s mother stayed right next to her baby for the whole experience. Needless to say, she couldn’t be more happy with the positive outcome.

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