Crowd Laughs At The Tomb Of The Unknowns – Watch This Soldier’s Response…

Many people visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day. It is an extremely sacred site that is dedicated to the memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Built in 1921 after the first world war, the tomb is a magnificent piece of marble that is both solemn and breathtaking.

Among those who visited the tomb on Monday was a small group who did not seem to understand the meaning of respect. They shuffled around, talked loudly and even began to giggle. After this went on for several moments, one of the tomb guards decided he had heard enough.

He stopped his pacing and loudly announced that there was to be silence and respect at all times around the tomb. The group immediately halted their disruptive behavior and spent the remainder of their visit observing in quiet dignity. The guard resumed his walk, which consists of 21 steps and is performed 24 hours per day, each day of the year.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier not only represents the lives lost in the protection of freedom but also the loss of identity. There are many families who will never know the fate of their family members who served because they were never identified or are still listed as missing in action. Memorial Day is for these unnamed heroes as well.

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