Confederate Flag Flying Bigots Indicted on TERRORISM Charges – It Never Pays to be a Racist…

Confederate Flag Flying Bigots Indicted on TERRORISM Charges – It Never Pays to be a Racist…

The Confederate flag is a serious source of controversy amongst Americans. Having been the symbol for separatism and slavery in this country there’s no wonder why people don’t take kindly to people displaying it. This debate picked up momentum once again following the tragic massacre of nine church parishioners of Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church by Dylann Roof, a known racist.

Those fools who support the flag claim that it symbolizes southern heritage and individual states’ rights. However, we all remember that the civil war was about slavery and it represents the division of our nation, rather than unity. The recent verdict by a Georgia jury calling the actions of 15 members of a pro-Confederate flag group “terrorism” may influence the way the flag is perceived.

The group members of Respect the Flag, were indicted for an incident that took place on July 25, 2015. On this day, these separatist flag lovers arrived at a neighborhood in Douglasville, Georgia with Confederate flags flying proudly from their vehicles and proceeded to a home on Campbellton Street. Upon arriving at the residence – where a child’s birthday party was being held – the group reportedly became verbally antagonistic toward the African Americans in attendance. Demonstrating the potent and renowned ignorance of confederate flag fliers.

Harsh words were spoken and threats made, even guns drawn. Both sides of the altercation blamed the other for starting the violent exchange. Eventually, the police arrived on scene. The recent court decision found that the members of Respect the Flag were in violation of Georgia law.

The Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act was used to cite the 15 members, and formally charge them with engaging in criminal gang activity and making terroristic threats. And terrorism charges are no joke in the US … try getting a job with “felony history of terrorism” on your record. But it’s exactly what these conflict starting bigots deserve. Justice for all, right?

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