Baker Who Refused To Make Homophobic Bible Cakes Cleared Of Lawsuit. A Win For Us!

Baker Who Refused To Make Homophobic Bible Cakes Cleared Of Lawsuit. A Win For Us!

On March 13, 2014, William Jack went to the Azucar Bakery and asked for two cakes that were shaped like Bibles. This would not have been so bad if this is where the request ended. However, he went on to request that one of the cakes have the following phrases: “God hates sin. Psalm 45:7” and “Homosexuality is a detestable sin. Leviticus 18:2.” H wanted the other cake to read as follows: “God loves sinners,” and “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.” Additionally, he wanted to have both cakes display images of two grooms holding hands, and a red “X” on top of each of those images. He wanted to send the message that same-sex marriages are “un-biblical and inappropriate.”

Marjorie Silva, the baker who talked to him, said that she would make the cakes, but she would not write the messages that he wanted on them. She did offer to give him icing and a pastry bag, so that he could decorate the cakes himself in whatever manner he wanted.

Jack felt that her unwillingness was “demeaning to his beliefs,” and he believed that she was treating him in an unequal manner due to his faith.

However, the Colorado Civil Rights Division ruled that Silva was not discriminating against Jack, and the messages were derogatory.

Jack still will not give up and is planning to file an appeal. He finds it “offensive” that they are supporting censorship of these Biblical phrases.

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