A wealthy Father Decides to Show His Son How The Poor Live… But Never Expected This Reaction

A rich man once decided that he wanted to show his young son how poor people live. To make sure the boy didn’t take his life of wealth and leisure for granted. He took to his son out into the country and they spent several days living on a farm with an impoverished family.

A wealthy Father Decides to Show His Son How The Poor Live… But Never Expected This Reaction

After the trip was over, the father asked his son what he had learned from their time in the country. He expected his son to talk about how tough the poor family had it and how he never wanted to be poor himself.

A wealthy Father Decides to Show His Son How The Poor Live… But Never Expected This Reaction

Instead, the boy said that while they had only a mere swimming pool on their property, the country family had a river that ran on forever.The son pointed out that he and his father had to buy vegetables and fruit while the family in the country grew them for themselves.

A wealthy Father Decides to Show His Son How The Poor Live… But Never Expected This Reaction

While they depended on walls surrounding their mansion for security, the poor family had many friends who helped keep an eye on their home and at night the poor family had brilliant stars above them to look at while they had only streetlights.

A wealthy Father Decides to Show His Son How The Poor Live… But Never Expected This Reaction

Before the trip to the country, he said, he had never realized how poor his own family truly was. The definition of “poor” is only held in the eye of the beholder.

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