Have The Eyes Of A Seasoned Hunter? See If You Can Pass The Test: Spot These 7 Deer…

Deer hunting may seem like an easy pastime for people who have never tried it for themselves, but in reality, it is a skill that takes a lot of knowledge, and understanding of both the wilderness and the animals themselves. And I’m not talking about squat-hunting or car hunting where man shoots beast from high in a tree or moving along at 25 miles per hour. If a person wants to be a truly skilled hunter, he or she has to be extremely stealthy, must have strong vision and a good grasp of basic tracking skills. If your vision is poor, then there’s probably no chance of you being talented in the hunting department. That’s simply reality, unpleasant as it may seem, illustrated in these photos.

The photographs depict deer out in their natural habitat camouflaged almost seamlessly into the surrounding landscape. Although the deer in the pictures are staring straight at the camera, finding them is in no easy task. It’s important to remember, however, that hunters don’t have all day to look for any deer that may be in their field of vision. Time is of the essence.

These ruminant mammals tend to only stay in one spot for about six seconds at a time, maximum. Hunters need to know what to look for, have experienced eyes and strong vision capable of quickly picking out a deer in a field at a distance . The photographs show all types of outdoor environments. These settings include the woods and swamps, some of the pictures even show close-ups of trees.

Some hunters will choose to do their tracking and killing nocturnally. This task is even more difficult, and can getextremely cold since hunting season is late fall and winter. It’s hard enough to pinpoint deer in the bright daylight, so imagine how difficult it is when the entire landscape looks pitch black? Not a simple task at all – but hunters often do this to catch deer when they’re sleeping and less restless.

Hunters always have to consider weather conditions when they’re looking for deer, which are often hidden in plain sight in the middle of wintry weather. I you thought it would be easy to pinpoint tany deer in the middle of a fresh blanket of white snow, think again. It’s just as hard to find these clever animals when their environment is a winter wonderland.

If you want to be a capable hunter, you have to make sure your vision is amazing. Otherwise, you could find yourself dealing with a lot of missed opportunities, to say the least. Hunting for deer (and for animals in general) is a skill that few have and requires years of experience, several certifications and licenses, and a knowledge of either guns or bows. If you want to be a great hunter, you need to learn from someone who can teach you how to hunt ethically and lawfully – there are a lot of complicated rules involved and if you break some, even accidentally, you could be in big trouble.

Anyway I guess my point is this: check out these cool pictures of camo-deer, and see for yourself if you can pick all of them out. If you can, maybe you should consider becoming a hunter. In many states (like Colorado) the deer have such vastly high populations that they are considered pests and deer hunters are needed so the herds don’t overgraze the land.

Have The Eyes Of A Seasoned Hunter? See If You Can Pass The Test: Spot These 7 Deer…

Have The Eyes Of A Seasoned Hunter? See If You Can Pass The Test: Spot These 7 Deer…

Have The Eyes Of A Seasoned Hunter? See If You Can Pass The Test: Spot These 7 Deer…

Have The Eyes Of A Seasoned Hunter? See If You Can Pass The Test: Spot These 7 Deer…

Have The Eyes Of A Seasoned Hunter? See If You Can Pass The Test: Spot These 7 Deer…

Have The Eyes Of A Seasoned Hunter? See If You Can Pass The Test: Spot These 7 Deer…

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