9 Year-Old Tries To Do Something Good For His Town And Officials Do Something Unfathomable

9 Year-Old Tries To Do Something Good For His Town And Officials Do Something Unfathomable

Nine-year-old Spencer Collins of Leawood, Kansas, near Kansas City, began a Little Free Library in his front yard, spurred by his love of books. Titles in his collection include popular children’s books like Madeleine L’Engle’s science-fiction classic A Wrinkle in Time, among others.

The city, however, was having none of it and ordered that the library be removed.

The Little Free Library movement has its roots in western Wisconsin. The philosophy is simple – take a book, return a book. Since 2009, the movement has spread globally with many of these structures popping up in front yards, country lanes, and street corners around the world.

Unfortunately, in Leawood, they violate local zoning ordinances that prohibit detached structures of this type. City officials had received two complaints from the public, presumable neighbors, prior to acting. According to these officials, they have nothing against the movement or the Little Library itself, but must enforce city codes in an even-handed manner.

Unless the library is removed, the Collins family faces a fine for violating the ordinance.

Young Spencer has taken his library’s cause to Facebook in an attempt to get the zoning ordinance amended to allow for Little Free Libraries in his community.

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