His Family Were Killed In A Horrible Flood. The Message He Just Got From His Daughter? Ugh

His Family Were Killed In A Horrible Flood. The Message He Just Got From His Daughter? Ugh

When your entire family is taken away from you, there are often no words that can express the feelings that you might feel. One man lost his family as they were swept away in flood waters. His daughter did leave one final message for her father to read.

The father and husband lost his family when Texas was hit by flooding rains. The floods destroyed many homes and businesses, and it changed the lives of several people who live in the state. One man, Jonathan, only has his family dog left after his family was taken away too soon.

Jonathan, his wife and their two children were at a friend’s home celebrating the Memorial Day holiday. There were two other families in the home. A total of nine people were inside the house when it was swept away by the flood waters. The man was also swept into the water, but he was rescued, along with the family dog.

While the house was in the water, the top of the home was torn off after it hit a bridge. When the man was in the water, he had thoughts of not surviving, but he was able to pull through. There are pictures of his family in his new home. The house is in the same condition that it was in before the family left for their celebration. There are bookbags in the hall and toys on the floor. The only bodies found have been the wife and the little boy. His daughter has not been found. One night, Jonathan woke up from a dream where his daughter told him that they were in Heaven.

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