Biden Dropping Bombs Over GOP Racism And Ignorance Pandering Republicans – And Nails It!

Biden Dropping Bombs Over GOP Racism And Ignorance Pandering Republicans – And Nails It!

While speaking at an October 6 event before the Latino Victory Project, Vice President Joe Biden bluntly criticized the 2016 Republican candidates for President, accusing them of bigotry against Latinos, and the gay community as well. Biden said the constant criticism from the candidates will take a toll on Hispanic citizens, the relentless barrage of discriminatory comments is unacceptable. He specifically singled out Donald Trump, who has made immigration one of the main points of his campaign, and blatantly vomits racist ignorance on a regular basis.

Trump, who has led the Republican primary field for the past few months, began his campaign in June stating that Mexico was sending “criminals”, “drug addicts” and “rapists,” remarks that caused a backlash among not only Hispanics, but across demographics in America. Despite that backlash, Trump quickly moved into the lead among the candidates, with many citing his comments against illegal immigration as the reason for his support. No doubt, there are a lot of idiots in America, and Trump is cultivating their support like an expert shepherd of the simple-minded.

While discussing Trump, Biden said that the businessman was appealing to xenophobes, and that such a candidate hasn’t been seen for quite a while. Such individuals don’t speak for the country as a whole, but for a minority of very loud and based individuals. Biden, who could potentially join the race for the Democratic nomination for President in 2016, is still mulling over his decision.

Despite the criticism he directed at Republicans, many in that party are hoping he joins the race, since that could make it more difficult for former Secretary of State and First Lady, Hillary Clinton to win the nomination. Clinton has been the frontrunner since announcing her candidacy, but has seen her poll numbers drop due to a stiff challenge from Sen. Bernie Sanders. In addition, questions about her role in the 2012 Benghazi tragedy in Libya and her use of a private e-mail server during her time as Secretary of State, have resulted in investigations by Republicans and instability in her campaigning platform.

The comments that Biden made to the Latino group are reminiscent of controversial remarks the Vice President made in 2012 when he and President Barack Obama were running for re-election against Mitt Romney for President. Then, speaking before an audience with numerous African-Americans in it, Biden said that the proposed Romney economic plan would put them “back in chains,” a clear allusion to slavery. While his remarks may not always be politically correct, the Vice President makes some very good points.

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