No One Notices, But One Man’s Gut Feeling Tells Him To Turn Around. What He Sees…

No One Notices, But One Man’s Gut Feeling Tells Him To Turn Around. What He Sees…

Maybe this has happened to you: you’re on the street, jiving along, walking your walk when you pass by someone and suddenly you get the feeling that you need to turn around…

One man acted on this feeling. He was walking along the street, flowers in hand when some sixth sense told him he needed to turn around. He spun on the spot – ready for anything.

A woman sat on a bench not far away with an odd look on her face. She appeared to be concerned about something. He followed her gaze and noticed a young girl crying a short ways away. When he looked back the woman had vanished. Mysteriously. She was no where to be seen.

The man went to talk to the little girl and to see if she was alright. She was upset because she couldn’t go to some awesome concert her friends were all attending. Her mom wouldn’t let her go… Suddenly the man realized what he’d walked into: the woman on the bench had been this girls mother! She’d been tailing her own daughter to make sure she was safe.

The man decided he’d had enough of meddling in other people’s business and with a tip of his hat and wave of his arm he was off. Some people just know when they are needed – it’s a good thing that man was there to save the day.

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