Artist Puts Trump Quotes on Sexist Ads From the ’50s – And They Fit Perfectly

“Make America Great Again”, President Trump’s campaign slogan, has, for many, done anything but. What he said was that he wanted to recapture America’s former glory. What he meant was that he wanted to take us back to the 50s and 60s – when both minorities and women were seen as and treated like second-rate citizens.

To show those in doubt just how true that is, Saint Hoax put some of the many President’s misogynistic quotes with extremely sexist ads from the time period. The project is called “Making America Misogynistic Again.”

Of the project, the artist said, “The headlines and visuals strongly complement each other [even though there’s] a 30-year gap between them. … The way women are represented in the media has [changed] since these advertisements were initially published. … Sadly, [President Trump] is trying to take America back to the Mad Men era. I’m hoping that these posters would make people realize that [President Trump’s] ‘locker room talk’ is extremely dangerous.”

Some of the posters include:

Artist Puts Trump Quotes on Sexist Ads From the ’50s – And They Fit Perfectly

A woman, breasts almost fully exposed, violin in hand paired with a quote from President Trump, “You don’t give a shit if a girl can play a violin like the greatest violinist in the world. You want to know, what does she look like?”

Artist Puts Trump Quotes on Sexist Ads From the ’50s – And They Fit Perfectly

A man with a woman over his lap, giving her a spanking as she struggles with the caption, “Grab Them By The Pussy… if he discovers you’re still taking chances on getting flat, stale coffee… woe be unto you!…”

Artist Puts Trump Quotes on Sexist Ads From the ’50s – And They Fit Perfectly

An image of a woman in her underwear, staring lovingly up at a caveman, smiling joyously, as he drags her by the hair. The caption reads, “I tell my friends to ‘be rougher’ with their wives…”

Artist Puts Trump Quotes on Sexist Ads From the ’50s – And They Fit Perfectly
Artist Puts Trump Quotes on Sexist Ads From the ’50s – And They Fit Perfectly
Artist Puts Trump Quotes on Sexist Ads From the ’50s – And They Fit Perfectly

The list of unbelievable quotes and outdated advertising goes on.

Hopefully, this powerful pairing can help spread the message that President Trump isn’t all he’s cracked up to be.

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