Republicans Vote To Sell Your Internet Browsing History To The Highest Bidder

Republicans Vote To Sell Your Internet Browsing History To The Highest Bidder

If you think that searching the internet is safe and secure, you might want to think again. The Federal Communications Commission recently prevented service providers from selling information to outside sources.

In recent days, Republicans voted to negate that regulation as well as another mandate that involves ISP reports that are to be released if a data breach puts customers at any kind of security risk.

Information of those who use the internet will now be more susceptible to hackers along with those who work for third parties who want to buy the information. Republicans believe that it’s a step to consumer-friendly actions that will protect the consumer. The House is expected to pass the resolution along with President Trump signing it into action.

If the bill is passed, the GOP made it too easy for the information of the American people to leak out to the hands of strangers. This information includes insurance numbers, healthcare details and everything about finances.

There are options for securing the ISP from those who want to buy the rights to it, but you need to do a bit of research to find a reputable way to handle the blockage of information being released.

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