Books Will Take You Places Donald Trump Doesn’t Want You to Go

Books Will Take You Places Donald Trump Doesn’t Want You to Go

Donald Trump doesn’t read. As strange as that statement sounds, research and evidence would indicate that it is true. Most former presidents were voracious readers, and extremely well spoken… totally opposite of Donald Trump. .

John F. Kennedy sometimes read a whole book a day, and Barack Obama would always release his summer reading list so that others might be able to pick up an interesting book or two. Even our popular culture promotes reading, with Oprah’s book club and innumerable programs for children. There is a reason for this: reading is extremely important.

The fact that our current POTUS seems to prefer watching television over reading already seems to have a serious effect on his governing. He’s more inclined to parrot back some random idea put forth on Fox News than to read an intelligence briefing, or double check sources. The more we find out, the more terrifying it is that “45” doesn’t seem to ever pick up a book.

Books help us to see the world outside of ourselves, but it would appear that Trump has no interest in this. Preferring instead to putter around peddling his outdated, dangerous ideas, Trump reminds us that ignorance is not bliss. In fact, ignorance can cause a great deal of damage.

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