Finally Someone Posted How To Access Secret Movie Categories, Find Out Here

Finally Someone Posted How To Access Secret Movie Categories, Find Out Here

There’s no doubt that the rapidly expanding Netflix library can leave even the biggest fan with some reservations about how to find what they want. If you’ve been away from Netflix for a little while, chances are that your old preferences may not do you any good. Luckily, there’s a secret new method for finding the movies, shows and other entertainment that you crave on Netflix.

It turns out that each little niche has its own specific code. For instance, it stands to reason that political thrillers will be all the rage within the next few years.

To access movies of this type, all you need to do is log onto Since 10504 is the political thriller shortcut, all of the best political thrillers will immediately become available to you. It’s a straightforward, no-hassle way to find what you need in a hurry. If you’re a fan of quirky romances, you’ll want to plug in the code 36103.

Any picky children will also be delighted by this new way to highlight the entertainment they’re most likely to enjoy. For kids in the 11-12 age range, code 6962 is the key to the most well-suited to their tastes. With so many category codes out there, there’s bound to be one that perfectly captures your interests.

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