Guy Meticulosity Documents His First Week Working At Target And It’s Too Funny

Sometimes small daily events capture bemusing truths. Recently, an anonymous new clerk at a large retail chain shared intimate details of his first week on the job in an hilarious online account. With good-natured humor, “kimpossibooty” recounted a series of memorable customers passing through the check-out lines, each person a study in the foibles of American life.

He offered a daily recital of the most intriguing individuals to venture into the store. From an 80-year old lady purchasing lingerie to a value-conscious man using a coupon to buy 30 light bulbs at one time, kimpossibooty details the sometimes amusing eccentricities of shoppers. He notes the funny incidents that occur during a typical day in the life of a retail clerk: an elderly man who initiates a credit car application, then abandons it mid-way to wander in the store; a young teen cringing in embarrassment as her mother selects her underwear; two babies in separate shopping carts getting into an altercation because one received a toy and the other did not.

The clearly drawn, sharp vignettes provided during the account demonstrate that diversity remains alive and well on the retail scene today. All so different yet at the same time so similar, kimpossibooty’s customers help him enjoy and learn from his work. His light-hearted description offers a fascinating glimpse into American culture!

Guy Meticulosity Documents His First Week Working At Target And It’s Too Funny

Guy Meticulosity Documents His First Week Working At Target And It’s Too Funny

Guy Meticulosity Documents His First Week Working At Target And It’s Too Funny

Guy Meticulosity Documents His First Week Working At Target And It’s Too Funny

Guy Meticulosity Documents His First Week Working At Target And It’s Too Funny

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