Rory Feek Writes Powerful Message To Those Who Call His Daughter A ‘Mistake’

Singer Rory Feek, whose wife, Joey, passed away from cancer six months ago, wrote a post on his blog that has touched the hearts of many people. Feek and his daughter, Indiana, have been walking a tough road since the loss of Joey and have done everything in their power to embrace life since that terrible blow.

In the post, Feek addressed the comments of people who say Indiana was a mistake, due to her having Down syndrome and the possibility that she may not have a normal life. Feek wrote that God does not make mistakes, and that Indiana is not a lesser person simply because she is different.

Like many other children, those with Down syndrome grow and develop skills at different rates and none of them are the same. He added that while some parents abort fetuses that test positive for the defect, he and Joey firmly believed that Indiana was the child God wanted them to have.

Feek finished his message by saying that Indiana is a gift who brings him joy every day, and Joey was blessed to have been her mother for two years. Father and daughter will continue to forge ahead and enjoy their lives despite the lingering sadness from their devastating loss.

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