Alabama Republicans Determined To Prevent People On Food Stamps From Owning Cars…

There are some politicians who believe that people who receive food stamps should be limited to the amount they receive or have to work a certain number of hours in order to receive benefits at all. Some feel that only those with children should have food stamps.

One Republican in Alabama is suggesting a new requirement for those who receive food stamps in the state, and it could make things harder for families instead of making them better.

There are a few Republicans in the state who want to try to limit the amount of food stamps and other welfare benefits that people get each month. Sen. Arthur Orr is trying to reduce the amount of time that people receive benefits from 5 years to 3, and he wants to make recipients sign a document stating that they will follow the rules of the program.

One of the rules is that people won’t get any kind of help if they own a car, including families with children. This would make it hard for people to get to work so that they can get on their feet. It would make it hard for people to get their children to doctor’s appointments and to get to the other necessary places they need to go, possibly spending money they don’t have on public transportation.

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