They Call This Horse A Monster – Prepare To Kill It, When A Stranger Appears To STUN Everyone

They Call This Horse A Monster – Prepare To Kill It, When A Stranger Appears To STUN Everyone

Max is a horse that was once considered both dangerous and aggressive. He would never let anyone come near him and his owner got so frustrated with him he seriously considered shooting Max. However, things changed when Michael,  a farm manager from upstate New York, met Max one fateful day.

Michael walked through the barn to say hello to the horses when Max stuck his head out of the stall and allowed Michael to scratch his ears. This was unusual behavior for Max who typically refused any type of interaction with humans. Michael decided that he was going to work with Michael and things slowly started to get better.

However, life took a turn for the worse one day when Max got spooked by a single fly and kicked Michael in the gut, nearly killing him. Michael spent four weeks in the hospital, his bills totaled $175,000. However, despite everything that Michael went through, Max was all he could think about while he was recovering.

Michael knew that Max would spend the rest of his life afraid if he did not get the proper training. Michael also feared that Max would be killed because o his unpredictable character. He decided to take Max home and work with him … Ten years later, Michael and Max have a great relationship. Max knows Michael as his friend and trusts him. They have a bond that is hopefully unbreakable.

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