See The Latest Extremely Sexist Claim FoxNews Just Broadcast To The World

See The Latest Extremely Sexist Claim FoxNews Just Broadcast To The World

In a recent episode of the morning show “Fox and Friends”, host Clayton Morris opined if female breadwinners aren’t inadvertently emasculating their men. Morris alluded to the inherent sense men have to be providers and if a women takes on that role, would be in effect cut down their male pride. In a day and age of greater social tolerance and education, a person might find that question provincial or even offensive.

That doesn’t mean it’s not relevant though. Maybe the political Left may deride that thinking as endemic of the backwardness of Christian conservatives or conservatives in general. However, there have been plenty of examples of Hollywood couples where the male partner’s career wanes just as the female spouse’s career takes off. The resulting disparity due to the female’s success strained the relationship to the breaking point. Like it or not, pride, envy, and ego are natural emotions that don’t get eradicated just by virtue of political persuasion.

Morris’ co-host Kmele Foster agreed on point that it is possible for the female to strain the relationship if she were sole or primary breadwinner. It was here that Morris made his point that he thinks it is biological in men. He openly asked if it is biological for men to provide for the family. It is a fair question.

Even the Left acknowledges that women tend to be nurturing. Could there be some similar characteristic in men in terms of providing? Does the push for pay equality or complete equality between the genders mean that men and women will have no emotional differences?

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