John Stewart: ‘Being gay is not a choice, but being a Texas Republican is’

Jon Stewart recently delivered an eye opening opinion to Rick Perry. His comments on an episode of the Daily Show were also geared toward the Texas GOP.

The GOP has endorsed gay reparative therapy. They have also refused to allow constituents to get health care. Stewart made the comment that being gay is not a choice that people make, but being a Republican is a choice. When someone wants to replace the science found in books or to ban same-sex marriages, Stewart adamantly told those who fall in this lines to take a crap in a jar and then take a big sniff. The action won’t give a cure, but it will remind you that you are being an A-hole.

The GOP in Texas got involved in a type of gay therapy where those who are gay should take a sniff of feces. This was supposed to happen when someone who is gay had thoughts about the same sex. The action was to make the person realize what they were doing was wrong.

Rick Perry recently compared homosexuality to alcoholism. They are viewed in the same way by not only him but several other people in the country. Stewart came back with asking if homosexuality is a public safety concern.

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