I Couldn’t Stop Staring At The Ring Around This Dog , But It’s Purpose Is Genius

I Couldn’t Stop Staring At The Ring Around This Dog , But It’s Purpose Is Genius

Human beings who are blind turn to dogs to be their guides. However, what is a blind dog to do when they need to be led around?

Well, the answer is to get creative. A woman named Silvie Bordeaux decided to help blind dogs everywhere when she was personally impacted by the medical condition. Her dog Muffin went blind. Most people are told to consider putting their dogs to sleep if they are old and blind like Muffin is.

However, Silvie refused to quit and channeled her inner creativity and made what is called a halo harness. The harness goes on top of a dog’s head so that it can detect when the animal might hit an object. These halo harnesses an also have custom designs on them so that the dogs look stylish while being safe as the same time. The dog is warned when the object is close to them so that they can re-direct their paths and avoid becoming injured.

Dogs that become blind need as much help as possible because they can get hurt at any time. The halo harness is a great way for pet owners to help protect their blind dogs so that they can maintain a good quality of life. This can help to reduce the number of dogs who are put to sleep if they are blind and have other pre-existing health conditions that are being dealt with.

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