Hysterical: Republican for ‘Abstinence-Only’ Has The Most Hypocritical Thing Happen To Him

Hysterical: Republican for ‘Abstinence-Only’ Has The Most Hypocritical Thing Happen To Him

Republican lawmaker Bill Cassidy is a strong advocate of teens practicing abstinence in order to eliminate teen pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. He is well-known for promoting “abstinence only” sex education in high schools. This sex education does not teach safe sex, or birth control, but simply abstinence.

Ironically, Mr. Cassidy’s own teenage daughter, who is unwed and in high school, has not practiced abstinence or safe sex, or even the use of birth control, as she is currently pregnant and will soon become a teenage mother.

Cassidy did not appear ashamed when he made the announcement to the public regarding his daughter’s predicament, during a press conference. He states that despite these unforeseen circumstances involving his young daughter, that he and his wife will remain supportive throughout the remainder of the pregnancy, during the delivery, and especially once their grandchild is born. Cassidy also stated that he and his family are anxiously awaiting the birth of their grandchild, whom they will accept with open arms.

Despite his teenage daughter’s pregnancy, Bill Cassidy makes no plans to stop his crusade against teen pregnancy by teaching “abstinence only” sex education. In addition to fighting against teen pregnancy by promoting abstinence among Louisiana high school students, Cassidy is battling Obamacare, which he feels never should have been approved.

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