Fox News Says The Unthinkable About Those Who Are Less Fortunate

Fox News Says The Unthinkable About Those Who Are Less Fortunate

Aasif Mandvi from The Daily Show with John Stewart had an interesting interview with Fox News’ Todd Wilemon regarding the U.S. heath care crisis.

Wilemon discussed the long term affects of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act and how it will destroy the U.S. He explains how doctors will have to re-use needles and won’t be able to wash hospital bed linens.

He explains that at the moment, America has the best heath care system in the world. But what about when Madavi explains that there are people all over the country who are so poor they can’t afford insurance, and that rescue medical aid workers aren’t headed to third world countries to help, they’re here in the U.S. treating poor people.

Wilemon’s response? “People like a free lunch. And I’ll be honest. If you’re poor, stop being poor. Get a GED, have a job for over a year…”

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