After You Hear What Foxnews Claims Is Worse Than 9/11, You’ll Hate Them Even More

After You Hear What Foxnews Claims Is Worse Than 9/11, You’ll Hate Them Even More

Have you ever heard of Mr. Ben Carson? He is the right-wing media darling, who works for Fox news. He has made some comments about President Obama, as of late. His latest comments revolve around Obamacare, or as many of you know it The Affordable Care Act.

He made the comments through an interview with the Daily Beast. He has called the Affordable Care Act, “the worst thing since slavery.” He also went on record to say that Obama “is the worst thing since slavery.”

When asked about his comments, he replied “9/11 was an isolated incident.” When asked to further elaborate on his comments, he began to skate around the issue a bit. He began to speak about things that “fundamentally change America’, but he never really answered the question, according to many who were there. This included the man who did the interview, Mr. Evan Gahr.

But if we actually take a look at the statistics, the Affordable Care Act has done more for Americans, then anything else. Before it came along, most Americans didn’t have access to the type of healthcare they needed or wanted. A recent survey concluded that even those who opposed the Affordable Care Act in the beginning, have come to be on board with it now.

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realize that the only thing that seems to be outdated are Mr. Carson’s views. Ironically enough, Mr. Carson was plugging his new book at the time. Coincidence? I think not.

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